Travelling Safe in the WEB3 Multiverse
Thu, Nov 03
|Digital Playhouse, Agnes Water
Join us at Digital Playhouse in Agnes Water or virtually for a live around the World tour of the WEB3 multiverse that started with Bitcoin. Self sovereignty comes with responsibility. Before you travel learn to do its safely.

When & Where
Nov 03, 2022, 5:15 PM – 6:30 PM GMT+10
Digital Playhouse, Agnes Water, 43 Bicentennial Dr, Agnes Water QLD 4677, Australia
What to expect
Tips for Bitcoiners and Stacks Crypto Travellers in the WEB3 MultiverseÂ
This event is suitable for beginners and advanced users
Join in Person at the Digital Playhouse or on ZOOMÂ
Navigating Bitcoin, Crypto and Stacks WEB3 comes with great self-responsibility.
In this session we will cover a few tips and talk to some experts in WEB 3 security about the new internet and what travelling in there looks like. Â Custody vs Self Custody - Hot Wallets - Cold Storage - Common Mistakes - Testing your seeds words - Recovery
Come along with your questions and we will seek to find the answers.
If you have expertise, join us and share what you know.
Bitcoin Australia is a project of The School of Bitcoin and learn or help others get a full understanding of self-sovereignty and prepare for the changes that are coming to your financial world.
This event is a Q and A Event - so please jump in and speak up
Book your seat and join this event in VR, ZOOM or YouTub
*** About Bitcoin Australia
Learn by Doing This is a high velocity project supported by The Stacks Foundation
Start a Bitcoin and Stacks Australia Meetup in your Town
Want to host a Bitcoin and Stacks Australia Meetup? Speak up and lets us know what you have planned and how we can help you.
Join Twitter Feeds @Stacks @digitalplayhs @theschoolofbtc @StacksAustralia @BTCAGGREGATED
Join Discord
 Stacks Australia https://discord.gg/XYgMc2Zm The School of Bitcoin https://discord.gg/bZ4mfAHR
Bitcoin Australia is Powered by The Digital Playhouse Foundation to support projects including
 StacksAustralia / New Zealand Theschoolofbitcoin Digital Playhouse Social Enterprise Hubs
Fully Tax Deductible Donations can be made via the Digital Playhouse Foundation Web Site Donate Here $BTC - $STX and $ALGO and $FIAT
Register Here
Cash Donation on Arrival
This ticket registers your place to attend at Digital Playhouse in Agnes Water. This project is to Advance Public and Social Welfare in Regional Communities - Please Donate
A$0.00Sale endedFree + $25 Donation
This project is to advance public and social welfare in regional communities - please donate
A$25.00Sale endedFree + Donation
This project is to Advance Publie and Soical Welfare in Regional Communties - Please Donate
Pay what you wantSale ended