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A Digital Playhouse Foundation Project


We are crypto-curious accountants, bookkeepers and advisers. We are innovating within our own practices to support businesses adopting Bitcoin and open blockchain applications.

Our mission is to share knowledge and provide consensus-driven proof-of competence (PoC) for accounting professionals in the crypto space. 

SME accountants, bookkeepers and advisers face a groundswell of digital asset adoption. They led the cloud computing revolution and navigated businesses' financial survival in the pandemic. Every business needs a good accountant for guidance in times of economic disruption and rapid change.

Crypto-native businesses need accountants with specific experience for their compliance, processes and systems, reporting and advice. But who is competent to handle their affairs?

Accountants On-Chain is an evolving community on a mission to:

  • onboard 100,000 accountants into Bitcoin and the decentralised internet with Proof of Competence (PoC) by 2025

    We will do this by:


  • building a dynamic consensus-driven professional education system

  • acting as an industry-based business faculty for 

  • developing an inclusive and value-driven decentralised professional association (DAO)

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